Sunday, April 19, 2009

Foresight for parenting

God trusts us to raise our children in a way that is pleasing to Him so that they may be fruitful as they mature with age. As a part of this we must have rules that governs them and behavioral habits that guides them. Children, in their lack of foresight and in their youthful desires continually challenge our rules and question our governance over their activities. At times they will be very rebellious and will act and say things that hurts our feelings. Even in this vulnerable state, we must be steadfast and continue to parent our children as described in the Bible. We have foresight our children do not and we are to understand God holds us responsible to do what we are supposed to do and that is raise our children to be responsible, productive and respectable people who love the Lord.

Philippians 3:14

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The power of "I'm Sorry"

The phrase I'm sorry is one of the most impacting phrases in child development. It's true power reveals itself when a parent says it to a child. It tells a child 'you're important to me, so much so, that I will humble myself to you and admit my mistakes.'

A child learns they deserve respect. It also teaches them that everyone makes mistakes, but when we do, we need to own up to our mistakes in order to reconcile them, not matter how big or small we think them to be.

Friday, April 3, 2009

God has to be the head and the tail

I have discovered the importance of putting God at the head and the tail of my household.

The void that existed no longer exist. The loneliness is gone. I now have someone to discuss important decisions with and who's sound wisdom I can let guide me. Most importantly, when I'm worn down and tired, I have someone I can more then just lean on; I can cast all my cares on Him and leave all things in His hands to take care of while I rest because, He is able.