Monday, January 25, 2010

The passing of a mother's heart

From the birth we toil because of love, with the care of our young. Also, because we anticipate the great things this little being will grow to do. There is so much promise of a long life seen in his little eyes, and a Mother's gaze with prayers to heaven of thanks and intercession for everlasting ever.

This world we live in brings no pleasures without some pain and it gives to no one freely anything good. It offers gracefully, a blanket of confusion and deceitful pleasures. Only by the love of God are we capable of navigating safely through this dark cold world.

But, when the world has successfully captured the gaze of those promising little eyes and fixaited them on deceitfully great things. The walk to temporary pleasures begins the closure of those eyes ever seeing the truth of this place.

Once this world has succeeded in closing those eyes forever, lets not toil with why, how, and when. Just remember the Mother's love, the Mother's gaze into those eyes and look up to the promises of heaven. The promise of a freed spirit resting in a place of no deceit or pain.

Lay, and rest my child for the Father is on his way to wake you forever!

In loving memory, Derek (Pickle) McKinnon.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Nap time is such a savior!

On days when it seems everything is a wirl wind, and time is escaping away, there is nothing a mother is more greatful for then naptime.